Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Fo Toe Graph Eeh

Here are some remarkable photographs that I have taken over the past 3 months.  Let your Oculars feast on these vivaciously vivid visual vignettes...

 St. Louis Arch

A Mosaic of Peter

 Angry Thomas

St. Louis
The saint for which the city is named.  Long Story short, he became a Sainted for burning Torah's and killing Jews. Great guy huh?


 Awesome painting!
photography fail: not enough painting in the shot

 Doors of Old Main
Northwest Missouri State

Tattoo of a Mustache

 Tower on Campus

 Sinister Baby

Conway, AR

Norman Rockwell Art

Jonathan and Laura
Bad Timing

Creepy Jesus

Fake Exit
(that is a mirror)

Portrait of a Friend

Fun Roots
They look like Gnomes

The Square root of E

King of the Plains

Cowardly (and sissy) Lion

Making me feel better for choosing AT&Charge too much.

Which Photo is your Favorite?


  1. My favorite is tattoo ever.
    The coffee looks like it's floating, kind of (in the Starbys pic).

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