Monday, March 21, 2011

What I like to do when I eat

In my efforts to be a man and be prepared, I always always ALWAYS (if I can help it) have 4 things on me: My wallet, my cell Phone, a pocket knife of some sort (I have many), and a Pilot V5 Precise Rolling Ball Pen.

 This was voted the best Pen of all time, by a highly skilled, amazing panel of people.  The Panel was made up of me, myself, and I.  The group as a whole was unanimous in our decision.  The pen was selected for the following reasons:

  1. Its not a silly Gel Pen (G2!).  You know who uses gel pens? Little girls. Thats right, I said it...
  2. It has a wonderful cap!  No leaky in the pocket of the pantsy. And when you pull the cap off, you just feel like something big is about to go down...
  3. It writes on almost any surface.  Paper, your hand (for instant notes), and napkins

I love to eat.  You can tell just by looking at me.  Sometimes it seems though thats all that we do on the Traveling Team.  What do all eateries have? Napkins!  What do I love to do in my spare time? Draw! 
See where I'm going with this...

Weighing in at a weight of 23 g/mwe have your standard 2-ply, 100% recylced fiber napkin (or serviette as they say in Australia) marked with a menagerie of many miscellaneous monsters and... sasquatches...

This is what I like to do when I eat: 


  1. As you know, i disagree with your pen choice. You did not take into account that they BLEED....
    In other news, you're stinkin funny. Im glad you're my bro. And I'm glad you posted the photo of the artsy napkin.

  2. Dear Commenter,
    As the old timers would say, in reference to plants and vampires, "I don't trust things that dont bleed!"
    Hence, things that bleed are trustworthy and living.
    Also, it will bleed if you just leave it pressed on the paper. Why don't you watch what you are doing...
    Red Beard

  3. "Hands down, this is awesome." --as quoted from a highly esteemed panel known for their knowledge on all things awesome.
